Create your new website with a modern, functional and flexible design. Your team can stay focused doing what they do best, no matter where they live.
Try it for free2,154 companies signed up in the last week alone!
Enjoy a faster workflow with live browser reloads any time you make a new change.
Get free lifetime updates of new components, layouts, page designs and an attentive technical support.
Launch a complete dashboard with ready to use components and views. Each one with unique ideas and layouts.
Spacial is made to be easily adapted to different looks. It comes with styled Bootstrap components plus new ones that can be customized via SASS variables.
With a great variety of layouts and sections to build a complete website. Spacial offers a modern design that feels fresh and professional.
Thorough documentation for building and customizing. Code examples for core and new components. Class utilities with new functionality.
Whether you plan on working on a single project or several, we got you covered.
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Buy it nowUse, by you or several clients, for multiple end products. The item may not be redistributed or resold.
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